Program Date And Time:
1) press [*][6] Followed by master code (5555)
2) Press [1] Program Time and Date: Enter the time and date using the following format [HH:MM] [MM/DD/YY]. Program the time using the 24- hour clock system (e.g., 8:00 PM = 2000 hours).
12:30 1/1/2023
Enter: [1][2] [3][0] [0][1] [0][1] [2][0][2][3]
00:00 = 12am
01:00 = 1am
02:00 = 2am
03:00 = 3am
04:00 = 4am
05:00 = 5am
06:00 = 6am
07:00 = 7am
08:00 = 8am
09:00 = 9am
10:00 = 10am
11:00 = 11am
12:00 = 12pm
13:00 = 1pm
14:00 = 2pm
15:00 = 3pm
16:00 = 4pm
17:00 = 5pm
18:00 = 6pm
19:00 = 7pm
20:00 = 8pm
21:00 = 9pm
22:00 = 10pm
23:00 = 11pm