Security System Tab - System State - Change System State - Smart Arming Settings - View Sensor States Mobile App

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

By pressing the Hamburger button on the top left you can access the Security System Tab after tapping on it

Within the Security System tab you can:

View The State of The System

- The system's active state is shown on the top middle of the screen

Change The State of The System

- By pressing the arming and disarming buttons under the system state you can change the system's state

Change Smart Arming Settings

- To change smart arming settings you can press on the Smart Arming button to change the smart arming settings

View Sensor's Active State

- Under the Sensors Label you can view all of the current sensors enrolled into the system (scrolling down will show more sensors if you have more than what the screen is currently showing. Login Page  

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