Secure Enrollment Failed

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

 The Secure Enrollment Failed trouble condition indicates that a Z-Wave device failed secure enrollment. 

 For information on secure enrollment, see What is Z-Wave secure enrollment?.

How to resolve:

  1. Power cycle the device.
  2. Remove the Z-Wave device from the system and start the enrollment process again, verifying the Z-Wave device is within 3 to 6 feet from the panel.
  3. If secure enrollment fails again, remove the Z-Wave device from the system, factory reset the device, then attempt the enrollment process again.
  4. If secure enrollment continues to fail, remove all Z-Wave devices from the panel. (This must be done by your Alarm Dealer.)

For more advanced troubleshooting information, see Z-Wave device is not completing secure enrollment

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