Keypad 6 Device Address 21 Vista 15p-20p

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

1) enter Installer Code into a PROGRAMMING KEYPAD ONLY (Default 4112) + 800

2) enter *194

3) Enter Desired Field (Input guide will be posted below this)



Enter partition where

0 = keypad disabled

1-3 = part. no. (3 = com) 


Section 1:

1 = enable

0 = disable Sound: 


0 = no suppression

 1 = suppress arm/disarm and E/E beeps

 2 = Suppress chime beeps only

 3 = suppress arm/disarm, E/E, and chime beeps

4) enter *99 to exit programming


The Vista 15P does not have partitions, any fields dealing with partitions will not be available on the Vista 15P

Programming Manual For More Information

GeoArm can assist in changing the installer code upon activation. 

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