Event Logging Options

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

1) Enter Installer Code on the panel while disarmed (Default 4112) + 800

2) You Will now see 20 INSTALLER CODE if that was the correct installer code.

3) Press *90

Note: System messages are logged when any non-zero selection is made.

Example: To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close,” enter 9 (1 + 8); to select

all events, enter #15.

Default “3” = alarm/alarm restore (1) plus trouble/trouble restore (2). 

0 = No event logging

1 = log Alarm/Alarm Restore

2 = log Trouble/Trouble Restore 

4 = log Bypass/Bypass Restore 

8 = log Open/Close

x = log combination of events (add value of


4) Press *99 After the screen updates to the next field to exit programming

Note: GeoArm can change the installer code upon activation

Follow Install manual for more information: 


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